
Insect Control Visalia, CA

Not-so-frequent invaders in our homes

Our team of certified professionals utilizes advanced technology and industry-leading techniques to provide exceptional insect control services. From thorough inspections to customized treatment plans, Pro-Tech Pest Control is committed to delivering the highest quality of service.


By choosing us as your insect control partner, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with a pest-free home. Trust Pro-Tech Pest Control to protect your Visalia property with the utmost care and professionalism.

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Wasp Control in Visalia

Wasps are a diverse group of insects, known for their ability to deliver painful stings. While some species play crucial roles in ecosystems as pollinators and natural predators of other pests, their presence in residential areas can pose a threat to humans and pets.


Encountering wasp nests on your property can be alarming, as these insects can become aggressive when provoked. It is essential to take prompt action to address wasp infestations, ensuring the safety and comfort of your home and its occupants.


Call us today and we will come out to inspect your property!

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Moth Control in Visalia

Meal moths are common household pests, notorious for infesting stored food products such as grains, cereals, and pet food. They can cause considerable damage and contamination, leading to food waste and health concerns.


Early detection and intervention are crucial to prevent the spread of meal moth infestations.


If you suspect these pantry pests are lurking in your home, don't wait—contact Pro-Tech Pest Control today for a thorough inspection and customized treatment plan to reclaim your kitchen and protect your family's health.

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Earwig Pest Control in Visalia, CA

Earwigs are nocturnal insects known for their distinctive pincers, which can evoke unease among homeowners. While not dangerous to humans, their presence in homes can be a nuisance.


These insects are drawn to dark, damp spaces, and may occasionally find their way indoors. If you encounter an earwig infestation in your home, it's essential to address it promptly.


Contact Pro-Tech Pest Control for a comprehensive inspection and effective treatment solutions, ensuring your living spaces remain comfortable and free from unwelcome earwig intruders.

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Sow Bug Control in Visalia

Sow bugs, also known as rolly pollies, are small, harmless crustaceans that occasionally wander into homes. They typically prefer moist, dark environments and play a vital role in breaking down organic matter outdoors.

While not harmful, their presence indoors can be a nuisance and a sign of excess moisture. If you notice sow bugs in your home, it's time to take action.

Contact Pro-Tech Pest Control for a thorough assessment and tailored solutions to address moisture issues and keep these harmless yet uninvited guests outdoors where they belong.

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Springtail Control Visalia, CA

Springtails are minuscule insects that thrive in damp environments and are often found in soil, leaf litter, and mulch. While generally harmless, they can become a nuisance if they invade homes in large numbers, seeking moisture-rich areas.

Should you spot springtails inside your living spaces, it's essential to address the issue quickly to prevent further infestations.

Reach out to Pro-Tech Pest Control for a comprehensive inspection and customized treatment plan to effectively eliminate springtails and restore your home's comfort and cleanliness.

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Mosquito Hawk Control Visalia, CA

Mosquito hawks, also known as crane flies, are often mistaken for giant mosquitoes due to their slender bodies and long legs.


Contrary to popular belief, they do not prey on mosquitoes and are harmless to humans. While their presence can be startling, they are not a cause for concern. However, if you're experiencing an infestation of any flying pests, contact Pro-Tech Pest Control for a thorough assessment and tailored solutions.


Our experts will help you identify and address the issue, ensuring a comfortable and pest-free environment.

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Beetle Control in Visalia, CA

Assassin beetles are beneficial insects that prey on various garden pests, including aphids, caterpillars, and flies. They help maintain a natural balance within your garden's ecosystem, aiding in pest control.


However, if you're facing a more significant pest issue in your garden or home, it's crucial to seek professional help.


Contact Pro-Tech Pest Control for a comprehensive inspection and customized treatment plan to effectively manage any pest infestations, ensuring the well-being of your home and garden while allowing these helpful predators to continue their vital work.

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Bee Control Visalia, CA

Bees are essential pollinators that play a vital role in maintaining healthy ecosystems.


However, when bees establish hives in or around your home, it can pose a safety risk to you and your family. It's crucial to handle bee control with care, ensuring the safety of both humans and bees.


At Pro-Tech Pest Control, we specialize in safe, humane bee removal, relocating hives to suitable environments where they can continue to thrive. If you're experiencing a bee issue on your property, contact us today for a comprehensive inspection and tailored solutions to ensure a safe and bee-friendly environment.

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Pro-Tech Pest Control?

Family owned & operated 

In business since 1992

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Organic pest control options available

Same Technician services your home

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